Due to circumstances beyond my control my book did obviously not come out at the end of May. If it had there would have been a lot more activity around here, I can tell you that! But, I have received the galley of my book, which is the almost finished version of it, with some front and back matter – dedications, acknowledgements, about the author – and it looks almost done. It even has a COVER!!!! I’ll reveal the cover soon, don’t worry! There is just a little more work remaining and that consists of me going through the book one last time with a fine-toothed comb looking for misspellings and other errors and reporting them in an errata sheet. I’m so close to the finish line I can taste it!

I can’t wait to be done with the part of publishing a book and get back to the fun bits, which is writing. I’m about two chapters away from being done with my horror novel, and I think I’m around halfway done with the sequel to Let Slip the Beasts! Let Slip the Beasts is really cool, but the sequel is going to be even cooler and I’m so damn excited to return to it.
Oh, and I did an interview with two authors from Champagne Book group about my book, my inspirations and aspirations, video games and comic books! You can check it out here.
Hopefully I have even more exciting news soon. Byeeeeeee!