June 11, 2023

You know when somethings seems to take a really long time and seems so far away and then suddenly everything is happening all at once? Yeah, so, my book is apparently being released in a week! That’s just 7 days, folks! WHAT?! It’s too soon, man. I’m not prepared for this at all. And the…

June 5, 2023

Due to circumstances beyond my control my book did obviously not come out at the end of May. If it had there would have been a lot more activity around here, I can tell you that! But, I have received the galley of my book, which is the almost finished version of it, with some…

April 21, 2023

In my last blog post I listed the potential reasons for the copy edits taking so long…turns out it was a combination of 1 AND 2 – a lot of mistakes AND the copy editor having a lot on their plate (possibly due to the amount of mistakes in my book). I received the copy-edited…

October 11, 2022

Roughly three weeks ago I got my manuscript back from my editor… I thought I had been really thorough during the pre-edit phase, but reader, I was not. Hooo boi, this has been a humbling experience, and the past three weeks have been both uplifting and deeply demoralizing, and I’m no longer sure if I…

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