August 1, 2022

So, remember in my last post where I mentioned I’d gotten an offer of publication? Well, I decided to take it! THAT’S RIGHT, IM GETTING PUBLISHED, BITCHES! (unless this is still some sort of cruel, prolonged prank … I’m not going to be completely convinced until the book is out, and maybe not even then….

June 12, 2022

So, remember in my last blog post where I said I had gotten two requests for the full manuscript? Well… one of those full requests turned into an offer!!! Like a literal, bonafide offer! And here’s the kicker: it’s not an offer of representation from an agent, but an offer of PUBLICATION from a small…

May 4, 2022

I have been querying for about three months with the re-re-re-revised version of my book and so far my stats aren’t great. Dismal, more like. I’m getting rejections left and right – one time within 15 minutes of sending my query! That’s gotta be some sort of record, right? I try to not take it…

March 8, 2022

So, I’ve decided to dip my toe into the waters of pitch contest and have entered two so far – #SFFpit and #pitlight. I didn’t get a lot of response on my pitches, but that’s okay. The events had over 9000 and 6000 pitches respectively, and I have just barely found the Writing Community on…

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