Back in the beginning of February I said I didn’t have an ETA for the paperback edition of Let Slip the Beasts. Little did I know that less than a month later it would be published – much to my surprise!

But its out now, it’s available from Amazon, and I have received my first copies! Reader, it feels so good to finally hold her and damn, she looks so good in real life!! Sevannah Storm really did a terrific job on the cover. LOOK!

Now I just have to figure out how to get the paperback edition to Norway in bulk, because that’s proving trickier than I first anticipated. Something about the book not being available for distribution, because it isn’t listed with Ingram or something called Nielsen…idk, man. I do have a Plan B, which is fast becoming Plan A. Either way, the paperback edition WILL be available in stores here in Norway at some point and I WILL have a proper launch party! Gotta manifest that shit.

I also got a proper desk and chair now, so the sequel should pretty much write itself. Ta-ta!

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