Jesus, my last post was in March?! So, I finished the first draft of the sequel to Let Slip the Beasts on April 29th. In other words, this blog post is long overdue, haha. The draft clocked in at roughly 73 500 words, which is pretty decent for a first draft, if you ask me. Especially since I tend to underwrite. So, I finished it and it felt great. But I haven’t even touched it or looked at it since.

I think I got a little burned out, to be honest. Having a day job, other hobbies and responsibilities, and maintaining a social life while trying to finish an entire fucking novel sure does take a toll on you! The plan was to pick the draft back up after a little while to have a look at it with fresh eyes, but so far I haven’t mustered the strength to do it. We’ve been travelling and also started a redecorating project that takes up most of the energy I have left after work. Which isn’t a whole lot.

But the draft is good. I think. I like the story. I like how the characters are developing. There are a couple of new ones that I can’t wait to draw. I think I’ve set up some cool stuff for the next book. I feel good about it, I do. But when I think about how much work is left, the rounds of editing, finding beta readers, the waiting for feedback, the marketing, the waiting, the waiting, the waiting – it all seems a little overwhelming. And since I’ve had so much trouble with the first book (I still haven’t managed to get it to Norway) and my sales numbers aren’t great, I’m struggling to find the motivation to pick the project back up.
I will eventually, don’t worry.
In other news, I’ve finally sold enough books to earn royalties! I haven’t technically received them yet, but I’ve already bought a little treat for myself, haha.