It’s official! Let Slip the Beasts is finally out in the world and ready to be read by strangers. I’m feeling a lot of dreadticipation, as we say in Norway, at how my little baby goblin will be received. Of course, I hope everyone will love this book as much as I do, but I know it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. And there’s nothing I can do about that. All I can do is have the whisky ready when I read the reviews.
But it’s so weird to be done with this thing I’ve been working on for so long. I’m like “now what?” Now, I’m going to enjoy the summer and Pride and just have a great time and be happy knowing that I Did the Thing! I’m a published author!! It’s so WILD!!! Man, my teenage self would fucking die if she knew this would happen.
And when the weather cools down I’ll plant my ass back in my favorite chair and continue on book two. Reader, you have no idea what you’re in store for. For real.
Oh, before I forget! You can buy Let Slip the Beasts directly from the publisher Champagne Book Group, or from Amazon, Kobo and Barnes & Noble! How fucking cool is that?! And if you do buy it, it would be real fucking cool if you left a review on Goodreads or Storygraph.
P.S. For some reason (clerical error or something idk) this book is listed as urban fantasy on Amazon. Reader, it is NOT urban fantasy! So if you’re looking for any sort of magic and shapeshifters and witches and fallen angels, you will be sorely disappointed. And I truly hate disappointing people.