So, Let Slip the Beasts has been out in the world for a little over a month. In that time she has gotten 9 ratings and 7 reviews on Goodreads and 2 reviews on Amazon, which isn’t all that impressive. But I have to remind myself that this is a marathon and not a sprint. It’s going to take a while before the book gets proper traction.
In more positive news, my hometown newspaper, Lillesands-Posten, has written a really nice article about me. I’ll also be making an appearance in an industry magazine for booksellers and publishers. And a Norwegian SFF magazine has agreed to review my book. Let’s hope they like it! And and and I womaned up and reached out to a famous Norwegian SFF author to ask if I could send them a free reader’s copy of my book, only to find out they had already bought it!! So that’s pretty dope.

When I haven’t been doing book stuff I’ve been enjoying the summer, read some good books, seen Fattern live for the second time, celebrated Pride by going in the parade for the first time, had some great date nights with my goblin in crime, been to a great wedding and celebrated our second wedding anniversary.
We’ve also been playing way too much Tears of the Kingdom – which is actually my very first Zelda game! I’m really enjoying it, tho there’s so much stuff I have to learn and figure out as I play. I love that there are so many ways to solve the different puzzles and shrines.

Next up is the Barbie movie, which I’m really looking forward to. We’re seeing it on Friday and I have the perfect outfit picked out.
P.s. The trailer for the second season of Wheel of Time dropped today and I cannot fucking wait!!!
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