February 5, 2024

So, I haven’t really written an update on this blog since September all the way back in 2023 (the book review in November doesn’t really count). Motivation has been lacking to be honest, but I’ve also been VERY busy! In October I was in Japan, which was amazing, November and December were just whack due…

Omslaget til Cinnabar One
November 7, 2023

Jeg leste en himla god anmeldelse av Cinnabar One på Nye Nova og ble inspirert til å plukke den opp selv. Det er ikke hver dag det blir gitt ut ordentlig hard scifi på norsk, så jeg ble ordentlig gira på å gi meg i kast med den. Så gira at jeg tok den med…

September 27, 2023

My book is now three months old! Man, they grow up so fast, don’t they? In the past month my little darling has actually won a contest! What??! It’s soo cool. I entered my baby into the Author Shout Cover Wars and she won! I got a cool little badge and everything 😀 The week…

August 27, 2023

My book has been out in the world for a little over two months now and currently has 4 ratings on Amazon (buuuu), 18 ratings on Goodreads (yay) and even one rating on Storygraph (what)! That’s twice as much as last month, but still not great. But, this is a marathon, not a sprint, and…

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