My book is now three months old! Man, they grow up so fast, don’t they? In the past month my little darling has actually won a contest! What??! It’s soo cool. I entered my baby into the Author Shout Cover Wars and she won! I got a cool little badge and everything 😀 The week after, another CBG author, Jordan Turbeville, won the Cover Wars with her book All is Fair. Go check it out!

The win won me a week of promo through Author Shout, which is always nice. They have a lot of followers and I hope some of that exposure will translate into sales. Speaking of sales, I’m impatiently awaiting some sort of quarterly report from Champagne Book Group. I still have no idea how my book is doing, but I’m pretty sure I’ve sold at least twenty. That’s good, right?
In addition to winning the Cover Wars I’ve also been interviewed by Adam Gaffen over at Cassidy Chronicles!
In even cooler news, someone sent me MOTHERFUCKING FAN ART!?!?!ASDGAFDSGFSGFDASGFDHG

Oh, and in less than a week I’ll be going to JAPAAAAAAAAAAAAN! Me and my goblin in crime are finally going on our honeymoon. SO HYYYYYYYYPED!
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