So, I haven’t really written an update on this blog since September all the way back in 2023 (the book review in November doesn’t really count). Motivation has been lacking to be honest, but I’ve also been VERY busy! In October I was in Japan, which was amazing, November and December were just whack due to me working in a bookstore and getting sick, and I’ve spent January writing on the sequel to Let Slip the Beasts.

It’s coming along nicely! The first draft is currently sitting pretty at 50k words and is about two-thirds done. The story is definitely taking some unexpected turns, and I’m so excited about it. If you want to know more, check out my guest appeareance on the Page Turnerz podcast, where I talk about writing in general and writing the sequel.
I’ve also received my first quarterly report…but no royalties yet, which is kinda disappointing. I’ll hopefully get there eventually. The quarterly report covered June to September and in that period I sold a total of 48 books.

I still haven’t gotten a physical paperback release, or even an ETA for a physical release, which is quite annoying as I want to plan a proper launch party and stuff like that. But I have received several ratings and reviews on Goodreads since the last update AND my book was nominated in 5 categories in the 2023 Queer Indie Awards! In addition, another author wrote a fantastic review of Let Slip the Beasts, mentioning it in the same breath as The Island of Dr. Moreau and Bladerunner – which is absolutely wild to me! Reader, I might have cried a little…
Oh, and I’ve also joined a review tour thingy called Indie Visible Tours, so going forward I’ll be reading and reviewing a lot more indie books. Fun times ahead 😀
If you’re curious about which books I read last year check out this Insta post!
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